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通常在金融市場上,各個資產價格會彼此互相有相關,連動強度有些強,有些弱,有沒有什麼方法去模擬這樣的關係,而不是用常態分配這樣的假設呢? 有的,這就是Copula。

Copula, it is kind of function to describe the dependence between random variables.Actually, in our real world it is hard to observe and describe the joint distribution.Just like stock market,the assumption of multivariate normal may not be suitable anymore.We want to build up another kind of  dependent structure to model it.We can through copula function !! Just like building our own bicycle.






The intuition behind is that we may fully understand the marginal distribution,but we have no idea about the joint. A stock may be normal, B stock may be lognormal,  C stock may be cauchy. They may be some dependence among them.We want to see the performance of the portfolio,so we need to model them jointly.Through the inverse transform, we can do the following:

Function C is the copula function.In generally,it always exists an unique copula function.
But, only God knows what it is!!
 So our main task is to estimate the function or model it.The Gaussian copula and Marshall-Olkin copula are two of the famous.



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