那有沒有什麼方法可以拿掉這些假設呢?? 有的,這就是無母數統計學。
In practicality, wrong assuming our model is the main critics for statistics. Wrong assuming model is linear or normal distribution causes lots of disasters in Finance and other areas.
Is there a way to overcome the drawbacks of statistics? Yes, that is nonparametric statistics !!
-- 凱因斯
"It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong"
-- john maynard keynes
Nonparametric statistics, follow by the name, is another approach in statistics without assuming particular distribution or model, so it does not need any parameters. The advantages are avoiding the wrong assumptions at first and presenting the information in data correctly. The drawbacks are lacking of interpretations and can't do further inference.
The tuition behind is bar chart. We can use bar chart to understand our data at first, but need more information to do precise analysis. The good news is that we can have consistent estimators in modern nonparametric methods. It can guarantee the results we got will be closed to true when sample size going to infinite.
In general, nonparametric statistics is using for exploratory data analysis. We can give a roughly initial model and look deeply before having some thoughts about data. In some areas, true models may be too complicate to formulate clearly. The models offered by nonparametric statistics may be appropriate.
Finally, there are still some assumptions in nonparametric statistics. We need to assume the smoothness of true model. If true model is too strange, like Weierstrass function. We can do nothing about it......